OD6 Metals Limited (ASX: OD6), headquartered in West Perth, Western Australia, is an Australian exploration company focused on critical minerals, including rare earth elements and copper. Founded in 2021, the company is advancing its Gulf Creek Copper-Zinc VMS Project in New South Wales, an area historically known for high-grade copper production but underexplored with modern techniques. In addition to copper, OD6 Metals owns Australia’s largest high-grade clay-hosted rare earths deposit, the Splinter Rock Project in Western Australia. The company’s dual focus on rare earths and copper positions it well for growth in the global critical minerals market. Currently, the company’s shares are trading at 4 cents per share.
The Gulf Creek Project was historically one of New South Wales’ highest-grade copper mines, with recorded production between 2% and 6.5% copper, and some zones exceeding 12% copper. However, no significant modern exploration has been undertaken at the site since its closure in 1912 due to low copper prices at the time.
The current drilling campaign is focused on historical mine workings, testing the continuity of mineralisation at depth and along strike. Recent geophysical surveys have identified multiple high-priority VMS targets, indicating the potential for repeat copper-bearing structures across the tenement.
OD6’s strategy is to apply modern exploration techniques, including downhole electromagnetics (EM) and magnetics, to map extensions of the known VMS mineralisation and generate additional drill targets for future exploration phases.
The initial 2,000m drill program consists of nine holes, with additional permitted holes available should early results warrant program expansion. The success of this campaign could significantly upgrade the project’s exploration potential, as OD6 aims to define a high-grade copper resource capable of supporting future development.
The company expects the drilling campaign to be completed within 6-8 weeks, with assay results released progressively as they become available. Based on these results, OD6 plans to continue drilling to test further VMS targets, particularly along more than 3km of untested strike within the immediate mine area and across a 10km corridor of potential extensions.
The copper market is experiencing sustained demand growth, driven by the global energy transition, rising electrification, and the expansion of renewable energy infrastructure. With copper being a critical component in EV batteries, power grids, and industrial applications, exploration companies with high-grade deposits and strong exploration upside are well-positioned to benefit.
By advancing Gulf Creek alongside its rare earths portfolio, OD6 Metals is building a pipeline of critical minerals assets aligned with global supply chain trends. The company’s aggressive exploration strategy and application of modern exploration technologies provide it with a strong opportunity to deliver significant value to shareholders.
As the Gulf Creek drill program progresses, the market will be watching closely for initial assay results, which could validate the site’s high-grade copper potential and shape OD6’s next steps in developing the project.
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