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ยฉ 2023 KOSEC | Kodari Securities Pty Ltd | ABN 90 147 963 755 | FSG | Terms & Conditions | Disclaimer & Legal
ยฉ 2023 KOSEC | Kodari Securities Pty Ltd
ABN 90 147 963 755
KOSEC - Kodari Securities does not provide any investment advice, nor is anything mentioned an offer to sell, or a solicitation of an offer to buy any security or other instrument. Anything discussed is for informational purposes only and does not address the circumstances or needs of any particular individual or entity. Investing in the stock market is high risk. Under no circumstances should investments be based solely on the information provided. We do not guarantee the security or completeness of information on this website and are not held liable. Kodari Securities PTY Ltd trading as KOSEC is a corporate authorized representative (AFSL no.246638) which is regulated by the Australian securities and investment commission (ASIC).